
A Guide on Writing A Thesis When You’re Short On Time

Writing A Thesis

The time of study at university is sometimes filled with anxiety. You are nervous before exams and tests; you are afraid to get on the drop-out list, you are afraid to retake exams. And the necessity to write a thesis paper brings on an additional horror. The voluminous research work on a hundred pages demands a special approach, considerable time resources, and courage. But graduate students quite often combine study and work, so jokes about students who write thesis papers occur at least six months before the deadline, but the writing itself is delayed until the last week. 

Being under the pressure of deadlines, students are unable to deal with such details: the structure of the thesis, the design of reference lists, the search for programs to check the paper for plagiarism. Hence the myths begin: a thesis paper is an unreal task, it is impossible to write it on your own, it is better to buy thesis papers and not waste a lot of time on it. 

However, if you organize all the stages of thesis paper writing correctly, you won’t have any problems. You will be able to write really high-quality work, for which you will get a high score. We have prepared a simple guide on how to succeed. 

Table of Contents

For research, choose only current literature issued no earlier than five years ago.

What’s the catch, you might think? The fact is that some students do not pay attention at all to the year of publication of the literature they found. The information may seem interesting, useful, and really appropriate for your paper, but in fact, some data may have already been changed, and the research may not be up-to-date. In order not to get into trouble with your thesis, consult only verified, preferably recently issued, sources. Consult the literature with your thesis advisor. The moment of selecting sources is quite responsible.  

Books and literature are good, and works on similar topics are even better!

This does not mean that you have to plagiarize. You can read Best Books for Starting a Business. You can also search the Internet for some scientific papers on similar topics: dissertations, essays, and theses. There are many things you can learn from them — to be inspired by the plan, look at useful sources, look at the practical part, and come up with something similar. The more works you read, the clearer your understanding will be, the more ideas will appear that you will be able to refine in your work with your supervisor. 

Start writing a paper in…a few years! 

This may sound like nonsense to some, but it is the fastest option for writing a thesis paper. Many teachers recommend that you decide on a thesis advisor after your sophomore year. In the third year, choose a topic for writing a term paper, which you could continue in the thesis. Let’s assume that in the third year, you make a good theoretical part, which will already be half of the theoretical part of your thesis paper. The information you can safely use without change, inserting it into the text. All this is your authorship! Can you imagine how the amount of work will be reduced in the final year? 

Time management is your best friend! 

Don’t forget to remind yourself in your daily routine that you need to set aside time to write your thesis. Constantly procrastinating and delaying “for later,” you may find that you haven’t started anything at all yet. Allocate a full day a week to thesis work, or set yourself an alarm for a certain time each day. Allow at least 15 minutes for a few lines in your thesis, search for information, or proofread and review the written material. 

Take your laptop with you and go work in the library. 

Some students find it hard to tune in to the writing in a work environment. Homework, phone calls, and messenger notifications can be distracting. Turn off the buzzers on your phone, take your laptop with you, get comfortable in the reading room of the university library, and get to work. You’ll get involved in the flow of ideas, and you won’t want to go home! Sometimes, hours spent in a distraction-free atmosphere like this are more productive than days spent at home. It is also one of the homework hacks that you can use to deal with your everyday assignments. 

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