
Importance of Social Science as an Academic Subject for Students

Social Science

Social science is one of the main academic subjects that is taught to students from junior to senior classes. As an academic discipline, it provides students with the knowledge of the world, the society they live in, and the democratic bodies running the countries. 

It provides students with the knowledge of interaction and connection among people and society. History, political science, law, geography, and economics are the main subjects that come under the category of social science. 

Traditional teaching, synchronous learning, asynchronous learning, and hybrid learning, all involve teaching social science as a main academic subject to the students. Let us discuss the importance of social science for the students. 

Importance of learning social science for students 

1. The social science subject is basically divided into three parts which are history, geography, and political science. The subject of history provides students with immense knowledge of ancient times. It tells us about how civilization happened and how the world has modernized over the years. The evolution of human beings can also be understood by learning history. Along with this, the history of Indian independence, the cultures, rulers, and world wars can be studied with the help of social studies. 

2. Our world is full of mountains, plateaus, planes, grasslands, forests, and other components. The knowledge of geography explains to us the world around us. Natural vegetation and wildlife can also be learned with the help of this subject. It helps students to understand the world around them way better. Also, a good amount of knowledge about countries, states, populations, etc broadens the general awareness of the students. 

3. The third division of social studies is political science. The understanding of political science is of great help to the students. It helps students to become aware of the duties and responsibilities towards active citizens of their country. The fundamental rights such as the right to vote, right to education, freedom of speech, etc are taught to the learners

4. The knowledge and understanding of social science help students to crack competitive exams. Because a lot of questions of general awareness are linked with the topics of history, geography, and political science. The learners who study social science effectively can clear the planned entrance exams as well. 

5. It also broadens the career opportunities of the students. Bachelor’s in history, geography, and political science can be selected by the students respectively. Also, job options such as social worker, political leader, lawyer, judiciary, teacher, professor, and working in many other governmental organizations can be done by social studies. 

How to study social science: tips for students 

  1. Use technology 

The best way to learn social science interestingly is by using technology. Today, the facility of the internet and applications have made everything easy for us. Lengthy subjects like social science can be learned effectively by using any online classroom app. These apps are filled with interesting learning material which helps students to understand and comprehend information better. You can learn with the help of attractive presentations and modules uploaded on such apps. Audiovisuals, picture cards, videos, flashcards, and attractive worksheets promote visualization. By seeing or visualizing something, our brain understands and better, and memorizing also becomes easy for the students. 

  1. Learn alternatively 

All the students of hybrid learning, traditional learning, or any other online mode should remember not to study all the social science subjects on a single day itself. Learning everything together can lead to confusion and poor comprehension of information. To learn effectively and remember it for long, students must follow an alternate day learning timetable. This means if you are learning history and economics on one day, the next day should be for political science and geography. This technique will help students to cover all four subjects and topics properly. Learning on an alternative basis, all the social science subjects will ensure that students are equally engaged in learning all the subjects. 

  1. Practice more 

Social science requires a lot of learning and revising. This means a lot of practice is required to study and score well in this subject. After learning, students should write and make notes. Writing question answers will improve the comprehension of information. Also, students can use several technical aids for practice such as solving online quizzes, and riddles via classroom app. Also, students should solve a variety of exercises and questions from social science textbooks and guides.

  1. Focus in classes 

Actively listening to the teachers in the classroom is very important to understand social science well. When students don’t listen properly in the classes, their self-studies are also affected. It leads to confusion, misinterpretation of the text, and much more. Whereas active listeners can focus and concentrate better in the classes. They interact and engage better with their teachers and peers. This helps to learn social studies better. 


For effective academic performance and better career opportunities, jobs, studying social science properly is very important for all students. The above-mentioned information tells us about the importance of learning social science. Also, we read about the tips and techniques that students can follow while learning this subject. By adopting and practicing these tips in learning patterns, students can achieve effective knowledge and scores in social science. 

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