
Top 10 welcome email examples to inspire you

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First impressions matter. They decide whether or not the person you are interacting with would want to hear more about you and stay connected with you. The same applies to email marketing. Welcome emails are an opportunity to create a great first impression. 

It is the first email sent by a brand to its newly added subscriber. These emails tend to have higher delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates as compared to normal emails. It is therefore an amazing opportunity for brands to kick-start a relationship and build a rapport with their subscribers. 

Your welcome emails should be inviting, informative, and friendly. Send the welcome email as soon as the subscriber joins and use it as an opportunity to thank them for joining, introduce your brand, and tell them what they can expect from your brand’s emails. This will help in building trust with your audience. 

To create one for your brand, choose a suitable welcome email template from a range of Mailchimp templates, Salesforce templates, or Pardot templates, and follow the design best practices to wow your subscribers. Here are the top 10 welcome email examples to get inspired from. 

1- Brand: HubSpot

This welcome email from HubSpot introduces the brand to the new subscribers. It features a guide that explains what the business is all about and what the subscribers can expect. It also talks about the various benefits and features of their tool with respective CTAs, to make it easy for the subscribers to get familiar with using the tool. This improves the scope of engagement with the new users.

Welcome Email

Source: Really Good Emails

2- Brand: Be My Eyes

Emails with some form of visual elements perform better than plain text emails. Be My Eyes uses a video in their welcome email as an attention-grabber. The new users can watch the video and get a tour of their brand, instead of reading long paragraphs of text. Moreover, the brand also gives the users an option to share the message on social media, which increases the chances of engagement.

Welcome Email

Source: Really Good Emails

3- Brand: Blinkist

This email is a plain and heart-warming thank you message. It uses a bold hero image and concise content to welcome and thank the new subscribers for joining in. With enough use of white space and a bold and prominent CTA, the email conveys the message in a simple yet effective manner.

Welcome Email

Source: Really Good Emails

4- Brand: Mollusk

Giving your new users attractive offers and discounts will help in increasing conversions. This email from Mollusk lures the user to make their first purchase with a discount code. The use of images and clear copy works well in attracting users and enticing them to shop from them.

Welcome Email

Source: Really Good Emails

5- Brand: Yuppiechef

Welcome emails are a great opportunity to tell your subscribers about your brand story and strike an impression. This email from Yuppiechef features a letter from the co-founder that introduces the brand and talks about their journey. It then showcases the products with clear CTAs for each. The highlight of the email however is the “What our customers say” section that supports the brand story.

Source: Really Good Emails

6- Brand: Spotify

Spotify has played it very simple with a short and crisp email. They have used an effective copy and bold background colors to grab attention. With clear social media icons and unsubscribe link, the brand makes it easy for the users to connect on social media or opt-out of the list whenever they want.

Source: Really Good Emails

7- Brand: Docsend

The brand Docsend guides the users to take the next steps by giving a few tips in their welcome email. This would help new product users to easily get started. With clear instructions and a CTA that stands out, the email is sure to grab some eyeballs.

Source: Really Good Emails

8- Brand: Brightly

Once you have the subscribers on board, it is very crucial to know what their preferences and interests are, to send them relevant emails. Brightly asks the subscribers to Set Preferences in order to receive emails and recommendations that are relevant to them. This will help them in sending highly personalized and useful emails in future.

Source: Really Good Emails

  1. Brand: Made In

Showing real faces behind the brand is a great way to gain trust and build credibility. Made In’s welcome email features the picture of their co-founders with a welcome message from them. Take a look! 

Source: Really Good Emails

10- Brand: Wave

A neat design with clear content and effective CTA is a must-have for all your emails. Check out this one from Wave that uses contrasting colors for the background, text and CTA to gain user attention and drive click-throughs.  

Source: Really Good Emails

Wrapping Up

Welcome emails are one of the most important emails of your entire email campaign. Make sure you use engaging subject lines and try to make the welcome emails as personalized and relevant to your users as possible. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with creating emails that stand out, and hit the right chord. 

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