
7 Steps for a Killer Software Tester Resume – Detailed Guide

Killer Software Tester Resume

Killer Software Tester Resume. Software testing is one of the fascinating careers for many computer science graduates. A career in software testing is less complex than software development and thus gaining popularity among youngsters.

The advancements in software development that keep happening have also led the market size to grow commensurately. This means that there are plenty of opportunities available for software testers.

However, you would require a resume for software tester to get a job. Considering this, we are listing down 7 steps for a killer software tester resume that you must have on your resume. 

Keep reading to know more:

  1. Make a resume outline

Create a resume outline using a professional format to present information in an organized fashion. There are two ways to go about it. You could either choose a functional resume format or a reverse-chronological format basis if you have limited work experience or not.

If you have limited work experience then a functional resume would suit you better. It would highlight your skills. Otherwise, go with listing your most recent work experience at the top as per the reverse-chronological format. 

You could also use a combination of both if you like.

  1. Add essential resume sections

Consider organizing your resume into sections. It serves two purposes- your resume would look presentable and it makes for an easy read. 

You could provide information under the following headers:

  • Personal Information
  • Summary
  • Skills
  • Professional Details
  • Internship Details
  • Education
  • Certification
  • Additional Details
  1. Showcase technical and soft skills separately

Separating the technical and soft skills is a good choice. Creating separate sections highlights your skills effectively and the hiring manager could readily access the section. 

This makes the resume well-organized and impressive.

  1. Mention your professional experience

Work experience makes for the most important section of your resume. The recruiters spend most of their time analyzing this section. 

We suggest you include your professional experience mentioning your experience and relevant skills. Using a bullet-point format is the best way to go about this. 

A recruiter doesn’t spend a lot of time on one resume and a bullet-style format enhances readability.

  1. Highlight keywords and essential information

It is important to highlight keywords and the essential information to gather a recruiter’s undivided attention. It also helps in parsing through the Applicant Tracking System that many companies use to screen candidates.

The hiring managers program keywords into the ATS. It is thus important to include them in the resume document.

Further, you could highlight essential metrics in your resume. For instance, reduced loading time by 10% in the latest version of software developed.

  1. Frame an elegant resume summary

A resume summary presents the entire information in a concise form. It shall be connected with every section in your resume so that the recruiter gets a broader picture of your motivation and zeal to be in this field.

Moreover, we recommend you use easy language while drafting the summary.

  1. Proofread with a calm mind

The final and the most essential step of resume building is proofreading. It takes care of silly mistakes, grammatical errors, or identifying typos. It is unprofessional to send resumes with mistakes.

Proofread your resume with a calm mind after you have completed steps 1 to 6.

Key Takeaways:

  • Outline your resume in a professional yet suitable resume format
  • Categorize resume into essential sections to make a better impression
  • Create separate sections for your technical and soft skills
  • Use bullet points to mention your professional details
  • Highlight industry-specific keywords and important metrics
  • Draft an easy-to-read resume summary
  • Proofread your resume twice before applying
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