
How to Write the Best Essay – 2021 Guide

Essay Guide

Writing an essay seems to be the most boring task for most of the students. The majority of the students are trying to escape from this. Whether the essay is for college admissions or scholarships, they will play an important role in your academic life. Inspiration from professional essay guide writers is not the key to write the best essay. You will have to work on your own and learn the key factors to writing the best essay possible. If you have experience in writing, it’ll be much easier for you to write a well-written essay guide.

Students can also look up online for help from experts, so that way they won’t have to pay for paper.

According to Kathy Livingston, the basic high school or college essay guide consists of seven paragraph structures.

Paragraph One:            Introduction / Topic

Paragraph Two:            Body

Paragraph Three:            Outline your ideas.

Paragraph Four:            Your proposal statements.

Paragraph Five;            Conclusion.

Introduction / Topic:

Maybe you’ve been assigned a specific topic or given the freedom to choose any topic of your own to write about. If you’ve been given a specific topic, you will have to research the topic in-depth as you will have to cover the requirements as well that your teachers gave you.

If you are not given any specific topic to write about, then you can choose any topic of your own interest to write about. 

This is an advantage for you as you will obviously select a subject of your interest that you will probably have more knowledge about.

Firstly, define the purpose of your topic. The introduction should not be boring because if it’s not interesting, the reader won’t even read the whole thing. You may need to do some research on the topic of your curiosity. 

Once you’re done writing with your introduction paragraph, use your research and start defining your main ideas one by one with a support sentence to it. 

If your target is to educate then select the subject which you’ve already studied and have enough knowledge to write a whole essay on. If your target is to influence, then select a subject that is more influential. 

Whatever the target of your essay is, always choose something of your own interest.

The Body

The center paragraph of the essay is generally known as the body paragraph. The main purpose of your body paragraph reflects the comprehensive detail of the example in support of your theory. 

For the body paragraph, you should have concrete arguments and significant examples in the favor of your subject.

But, before you start writing, make sure to draft your essay. Think of where you will find the information you’ve gathered from your detailed research. 

Outline your ideas

In order to write the best essay, you will need to manage your ideas in different paragraphs. This arrangement provides you a solid base structure for your essay. Use either outline or layout diagram to write down your ideas.

If you would like to create an outline. Write down your main ideas on top of the page. From there you may begin the core list of your ideas, this may facilitate you to write an effective essay. 

Your proposal statement

Now that you have defined the subject and sorted out your ideas, you need to create your thesis statement explaining to your reader the core subject of your essay. 

Check out your outline or layout diagram and what the core ideas are.


The conclusion paragraph that comes at the end of your essay must be shown and written as a reconsideration. A final paragraph reflects your final chance to make your case strong.

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