Home Improvement

Eco-friendly ideas to improve your home

Eco-Friendly Ideas To Improve Your Home

You will find that in your adventures of upgrading and remodeling your house, how much money you will save by “going green.” The benefits of saving money and helping the environment should be enough of a reason for everyone to use these helpful tips. There is a vast difference between being cost-efficient and being Eco-friendly. Trying to save money by being cheap and purchasing appliances made from harmful materials or just direct generic affordable products is worse for your home in the long run. Sometimes changing your lifestyle to being a little more environmentally friendly can cost more than regular generic products, but it will save you on your at-home expenses in the long run. Feel free to share your knowledge with others or any other great eco friendly ideas with me!

Eco-friendly bathroom: The bathroom is a large consumer of tons of water in your home. It gets wasted every day. Bringing down the amount of water wasted by installing better water-efficient faucets, shower-heads and toilets can reduce the wastage. Installing a dual setting flush for the toilets in your home can give you the option of flushing only the required amount of water each color. There are many “go green” and Eco-friendly materials like bamboo to make cabinets, shelves, drawers, etc. Natural flooring can replace many man-made ones. Also, using recycled glass as a tile for your bathroom remodel is a great idea as well.

Eco-friendly kitchen: The kitchen can easily be remodeled to an eco-friendly one by switching to more energy-efficient appliances. Most dishwashers have energy-efficient methods of producing water and not overusing water. Devices like induction cooktops are trendy as they use a molecular movement for heating and not natural gas. Use flooring made of natural stones, recycled glass tiles or bamboo is a great idea for flooring (or walls). For the countertops, you can switch to natural stones that not just look good but also low maintenance.

Eco-Friendly Ideas To Improve Your Home

Eco-Friendly Lights: Lighting is a massive part of every home and business. Most homes and businesses have turned to compact fluorescent lighting. These light bulbs can be a tad costly at the time of purchase but save you on money and resources over time. They use about 75% less energy and last almost ten times longer than regular bulbs.

Eco-friendly paint: The paint you use in your house should only use non-volatile organic compounds. Colors high in non-VOC are incredibly unhealthy for the people in the home and the environment. This may be slightly difficult to procure as not all brands have non-VOC paints, but with a little effort and research, you may be able to get one.

Eco-friendly flooring: The house’s flooring can be switched to natural stones or bamboo as they are entirely natural and do not emit any dangerous vapors.

Eco-friendly heating: Rather than regular heaters and geysers, you should try solar heating for heating water. It uses natural sunlight for heating and does not consume any electricity. Solar panels for your home’s electricity helps reduce the cost of heating your house. Solar panels are a costly investment but are well worth it in the long run.

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