
How Moving Your IT to the Cloud Could Benefit Your Firm


Not so very long ago, when companies wanted to integrate their operations with IT, they had to invest in costly, on-premises servers – plus suffer the maintenance and upkeep expenses of keeping their systems running. Often, this resulted in firms taking a somewhat lax approach to their online security, greatly increasing the chances of being infiltrated by cyber criminals.

However, with the considerable advancements in technology recently – coupled with the vastly superior connection speeds offered by 4G/5G networks and the continued rollout of fiber connections around the developed world – these days, an increasing number of firms are outsourcing their digital requirements to professional cloud network providers. 

Why outsourcing IT is a good idea for your firm

Working with a third-party IT service provider has numerous advantages over trying to run your IT network yourself, including:

The latest, safest, fastest servers: Cloud service providers invest significant sums of money ensuring they operate with the latest, safest, and fastest server technology. After all, Data Center architecture is one of the primary selling points IT companies make to differentiate themselves from their competitors in this growing sector. It’s in an IT provider’s interest to make sure they have the upper hand by running the best, most up-to-date server tech. 

Scalability: Unlike running an IT system yourself internally, requesting changes to your IT provision when you need to upgrade or downgrade services is as simple as making a quick phone call or sending an email to the support department. In fact, in many cases, you might be able to make the changes yourself in a secure, back-end control panel. 

Lower costs: As mentioned, IT equipment and servers don’t come cheap, and trying to keep up with the relentless pace of technology was an ongoing concern for many firms. The truth is, outdated server tech can pose a significant security threat, while older systems will only serve to slow your company down. By working with a third-party professional, you’ll be able to choose a particular IT service plan tailored entirely to your needs which will come in vastly cheaper than trying to do it yourself, resulting in a vastly superior Return on Investment (ROI).

Increased security: Cloud service providers take the security of their clients very seriously and do everything in their power to ensure their systems are up to date and offer the greatest protection from unwanted, malicious attacks. Moreover, they employ the best-in-class online security staff – again, a cost most companies simply can’t afford, particularly Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). 
Augmented collaborative and remote-working opportunities: With our devices continuing to improve in terms of power – and connection speeds becoming ever quicker – the world of mobile computing is very much here to stay. Using cloud tech means your employees can access their important files from anywhere they can find an internet connection – plus, you can work on them collaboratively in real-time. Moreover, by pulling on the considerable processing power and storage capacity of remote computers, your staff could use even the lowest-powered handheld to work on processor-hungry tasks – plus store them securely online. 

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