
A Working Guide On How to Write a Thesis Fast


All research papers have their own recommended time frame for preparation and writing. Even when you write college essays, you have an estimated time to finish your work. However, because of the complexity and specificity of the research topic, the time to write a thesis paper may extend slightly, but there are ways you can write even the most complex thesis quickly in a week or a month. To write your thesis paper faster than two years, it is recommended that you follow the practical guidelines below.

Compiling a plan

The plan of writing is an additional opportunity to save time for the drafting of the text of the future work. All items are negotiated and agreed upon with the supervisor. When you divide your work into certain milestones, it’s easier to move from one chapter to another without distracting to uprising extra tasks. Basically, the process of working on a thesis paper is similar to steps for essay writing

Determining the research methodology and reporting the results

Researching the necessary literature is the most time-consuming part of writing a thesis paper. When selecting the required information, it is essential to focus only on that which bears practical relevance to the subject of research, as well as having scientific, substantiated evidence in the chosen field.

The main theses should be outlined on a sheet of paper/text file on the computer with the obligatory indication of the page number, the name of the source, and its author. This approach will reduce the time for systematization, analysis of theoretical information for the thesis paper several times.

A clear idea of the number of pages of the main chapters, as well as proper time planning, will help to reduce the time to compose the body of the thesis. All sections and chapters of the thesis research are written in order, with the logical interconnection between each other. This approach not only speeds up the process of writing the work but also avoids possible information confusion.

When you are short on time, a daily routine will help you cope with a thesis paper faster. Try sticking to the following tips.

1. Work daily and in small portions

It is advisable to write only a few pages of text per day in order to write your thesis paper earlier than the deadline.

2. The Pomodoro technique and its effectiveness

This approach will help people with reduced self-motivation to increase the productivity of their own work. The name came from a common form of a kitchen timer. The essence of the method is the following — the author works for 25-30 minutes and then takes a 10-minute break. Thus, you will have time to gather your thoughts, come up with new ideas faster, and not get disturbed by anything surrounding you. It is advisable to switch off your phone and disable notifications from social networks on your laptop. 

3. Choosing a convenient time

It is recommended that the thesis writer choose a time that is most productive for work — morning, night, or evening. To understand what hours of the day are most suitable for writing a document, you can try several options at once.

4. Selection of the information carrier

This criterion depends on the personal choice of the author of a scientific paper, but it is better to store information on electronic carriers. It guarantees a timely correction of the written text, the sequence of presentation of thoughts. It is not necessary to refuse a notepad and pen in order to quickly write down an idea in the absence of a computer at hand.

5. Observance of proportional volume

Editing an excessive/insufficient number of pages is a time-consuming activity, so the future researcher should strictly adhere to the specified volume of the main chapters.

Careful attention to the details, theses, the main points of the paper is a guarantee of fast writing of the thesis. It is difficult to write such research papers on your own in a few months because of the large amount of information data, but it is possible to significantly reduce the period of their compilation.

Writing draft chapters, it is recommended to leave wide margins. This will simplify the visual finding of errors, inaccuracies, or typos, as well as provide an opportunity to make the necessary working notes, insert graphics in the right part of the text, etc.

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