
Bruised Brand Image? 8 Things Hurting Your Brand Image

Brand Image

Before you go to work every morning, you likely comb your hair and pick out a professional outfit. That’s because you understand that your professional image matters. Your brand’s image matters in much the same way. 

When your business comes to mind, what do people feel? All activities of your business tie back to the brand image in some way. Your company can’t survive without a healthy image, but you may be hurting your reputation without realizing it. Here are eight things that could tank your business esteem before it gets off the ground. 

Listing your home address as your company address

When you list your home address as your company address, it limits your ability to establish connections with other entities. It can threaten your safety and give the impression that your business doesn’t have legs. 

On the other hand, a virtual office provides a more extensive set of tools to operate the business. A virtual office can intercept phone calls, faxes, and mail on your behalf, in addition to providing you with a professional business address to use in all your correspondence.

Your company delivers lousy customer service

Customers expect to have the smoothest experience possible. When your company fails to meet or exceed your customer’s expectations, they are less likely to return. Not only will spurned customers stop using your services, but they will tell their friends about their awful experience. It may seem like obvious advice, but treating your clients how you like to be treated is the surest way to a better business image. 

You produce below-average content

In the digital age, people’s attention is always on social media. Therefore, brands need to distribute valuable content to their followers. This content can include helpful tips, information about your product or service, or engaging posts like contests and promotions. When your marketing team posts below average posts, it means less engagement with your audience and less interest in what your brand has to offer. 

You fail to address negative reviews

Your brand image involves things people read about you online, and that includes reviews. It is impossible to prevent negative reviews. However, you can control how you respond and address them. If you do not reply to negative reviews, people will assume you are not responsive to customer needs. It would be best to have a regular schedule of “review responding” time wherein you thank positive reviewers and reach out to customers who had a less than 5-star experience. 

Your website offers a bad experience

Your company website may be the first thing people interact with when researching your brand. Potential customers go there to learn about your values, products, and services. Customers may also visit your website to schedule a meeting with you or contact someone within your team. If leads have trouble finding what they need on your site, they’re less likely to convert into fans or sales.

You launch non-value-added marketing campaigns

Solid marketing campaigns drive leads, sales, and engagement. Every successful marketing campaign provides value or new information to the prospect. When your campaigns fail to bring new insights to your potential customers, it means wasted marketing dollars and a diminished brand image.

You publish an uninspiring blog

Much like social media, your company blog is an opportunity to provide value to your audience. Not only does it drive SEO to your site, but it is also another way to establish trust with your potential customers. When your blog is inconsistent or uninspiring, it will weaken people’s perception of your brand.

You do not listen to your customers

Your customers are what drive your business. Not only do customers purchase your goods or services, but they can also provide valuable feedback on how to be better as a company. Successful businesses like Amazon and Apple are dominating the industry because they put the customer first and listen to their focus groups.

Wrap up

If your business can address the critical brand image areas above, then the sky’s the limit for your reputation. Customers should be at the heart of what you do. Maximize each digital and in-person interaction, and your brand will outperform the rest.

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