
5 Keys to an Effective Regression Testing Suite

Regression Testing Suite

For those unfamiliar with the term, a regression testing suite is a set of tests that ensure your product stays in working order. In theory, once you have created a series of tests that can be run to ensure correct functionality at any given time, you should no longer need to check the application for bugs. This is not always true as there are several reasons why it may be necessary to re-run the test suite from time to time. And for them to be effective is even crazier. In this article, we’ll look at five keys to an effective regression testing suite.

Why is regression testing important?

Regression testing is essential for several reasons. First, regression testing ensures that bugs are fixed and don’t resurface in the future. Second, it helps to ensure that new changes to a product or system don’t impact existing functionalities or features. Third, regression testing shows whether fixing a bug solves the problem and doesn’t create an entirely new issue.

  1. Make your regression tests a top priority: The first step in creating a regression testing suite includes critical tests. The application’s primary functions or base workflows are assessed in high-priority tests. Back-end engines, APIs, database connectivity, and performance may be evaluated in key function tests. UI-based functionality may be included in important workflows.
  2. Creating the test suite: Next is creating a suite of tests for basic functionality across the application. Automated tools cannot handle these kinds of workflows because they are integrated and complex. Basic functional regression test suites contain often-used workflows that might not be critical to the application’s function, but users frequently use them.  Exploratory tests around the test case may be included in manual regression tests that automation would not cover. Other manual regression tests include end-to-end or sophisticated system procedures that aren’t well suited to automation. Basic functional regression test suites help you keep your code clean and get favorable feedback from your customers.
  3. Double-check the integrations: Test your API connections, back-end messaging engines, and data feeds with a regression suite. Validate any interconnected process that the app requires but that the user is unaware of. Granted, creating a regression test suite for these types of tasks is time-consuming and frequently necessitates the assistance of a developer or IT professional, but it is well worth the effort.
  4. Don’t overlook the importance of performance: Performance testing is a four-letter word in most development organizations. Why? Many people believe that if an application works, it is sufficient. Is that true, though?

To an end-user, it’s inconvenient if the user experience changes in performance with each version. Worse yet, if the program becomes slower with each release in essential workflow functions, your customer will lose faith in it. In this instance, dissatisfaction grows because the user does not know if the system is operating or not. Excessive wait times waste your customers’ time and reduce their productivity.

Performance testing must be included in your regression test suite, no matter how sophisticated or simple it is.

  1.  Create smoke tests: Label your regression suite the “smoke test suite” when combining your critical and high-priority tests, and run it daily, bi-weekly, or with every build. To avoid unwanted shutdowns and lost work time, conduct smoke tests before beginning any further testing.
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