
4 Great “Just Because” Gifts to Give to Your Love


Ever have someone give you a gift for no real reason? No, it wasn’t your birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day Gifts, or another regular gift-giving holiday — it was simply a nice gesture by a friend, family member, or other loved one who was thinking about you and wanted to surprise you, just because.

Of course, there’s something extra special about getting a gift out of the blue. And now, you want to do the same for your special gifts someone. For instance, you know your husband has had an especially busy and stressful work week. Similarly, perhaps your wife is starting a new job and you want to congratulate her. Or maybe you have no specific reason other than you love this person and want to show it in the form of a gifts.

No matter the reason behind wanting to give an “anytime” gift, there is no shortage of ideas for your significant other. For example, consider the following ideas:

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1. Recognise their Favourite Hobby

Maybe your man is a huge music fan and is happily accumulating a collection of vinyl records, or your special lady loves anything to do with the NBA. As such, use these favorite hobbies and interests as inspiration for the “just because” gifts, either with some new music, headphones, or an autographed basketball or jersey with her favorite player’s name on it. Not only will your significant other love it, but it will also show you really do know what makes him or her tick.

2. Surprise with Racy Lingerie

There’s nothing wrong with adding a good dose of romance to the anytime gift. For instance, you could gift your lady love a new bra and panty set in a color and style you know she’ll like and which will also flatter her figure. Or, a woman could treat herself to a beautiful set of racy lingerie and surprise her guy by wearing it to bed one night. For couples who have been extra busy lately, this type of romantic gift and gesture can definitely help to reignite the flame of love.

3. Plan a Fun Outing

Like any gift from the heart, an anytime gift doesn’t necessarily have to be something you wrap with a ribbon and bow. For instance, you can take your sweetie camping and bask in the great outdoors together. If you don’t have a tent and funds are tight, see if you can borrow one from a friend. Pitch your tent at a campground or even in your backyard and tell ghost stories, make s’mores over a fire pit, and cuddle in your sleeping bags. Other ideas include a drive to a scenic spot you know your love enjoys or has always wanted to see. Or, you could always plan a picnic dinner at a nearby lake or park that includes plenty of his or her most beloved foods.

4. Do the Least Favorite Chore

Another great “because I love you” gift idea is to take care of a chore or other household task that your significant other typically handles but doesn’t enjoy doing. For instance, if your sweetie does most of the gardening, mow the lawn and do all the weed work while she’s at work, or hire a crew to get it done so she can take a break. Or, if he usually cooks and has recently expressed that he’s running out of ideas, look online for some recipe ideas and have a nice candlelight dinner waiting for him one evening.

Enjoy Your Special Someone

You definitely don’t have to wait until an official holiday to surprise your significant other with a gift. By picking out something related to a hobby, going romantic with lingerie, planning a special time away, and/or taking over a chore, you’ll show your sweetie how much he or she means to you.

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