Many people wonder how to tell that they need emergency dental care. While this can be tricky, there are some tell-tale signs of a problem to be aware of.
Remember, seemingly small issues can quickly turn into more serious problems, so it is best not to put off seeking help or a professional evaluation. Do not wait to seek care for a dental emergency. The longer a person waits, the more issues that may arise. Keep reading to learn some of the top signs a person needs to seek emergency dental care.
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A Loose Tooth
When someone reaches adulthood, they should never have to deal with wiggly or loose teeth. At this point, the teeth should have grown and matured into sturdy tools that are used for speaking, eating, and living a healthy life. If someone notices that there any of their teeth are loose, there are several things that may be going on. For example, if a tooth is loose, it may be because of a serious tooth injury. For many patients, this can be extremely painful. It is always a good idea to get medical advice and care right away.
It does not matter if the injury occurred because of a car accident or a sports injury, it is a good idea to make sure that the teeth remain intact and strong. Even if a tooth appears fine, it is a good idea to schedule an emergency dental appointment to find any jaw or nerve damage that may have occurred. While jaw and nerve damage may not cause any type of immediate signs or symptoms, treatment is essential to help ensure the situation does not get any worse. As with most dental issues, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Another cause of loose teeth could be a localized infection. To understand fully the type of infection that is going on, dental care is needed. If the loose teeth have caused a toothache, the infection may be the result of gum disease or another issue. A dentist can evaluate the situation and determine the underlying cause of the problem.
A Severe Toothache
How severe a toothache is may also be a sign that it is time to go to the dentist. Immediate toothache relief is probably needed. If the toothache is minor, there are a few different treatment options that are available. If this is not the case, get to an emergency dentist to find relief. When a toothache occurs, there could be an array of underlying issues. The proper treatment is dependent on the cause, which is why ensuring the proper diagnosis is made is so important.
It is essential to prevent a toothache from the beginning. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Habits and certain lifestyle choices can often cause problems before an individual even realizes it. If toothache pain has grown recently, and the pain continues after extremely hot or cold temperatures, going to the dentist should be a top priority.
Gums That Ache or Bleed
Gums that bleed after a person flosses are not exactly “normal,” and bleeding can be an indication of early gum disease or even gingivitis. However, for cases of excessive gum bleeding, or if the gums ache, then these are warning signs that should not be ignored.
These are some of the most typical signs of gum disease. If a person knows how to brush and floss their teeth properly and they make sure to do this regularly, they can prevent gum disease. Unfortunately, problems may still arise. If the gums are aching or if they are red and swollen, dentists are needed to figure out what is going on. Detecting a case of gum disease early is essential to treating it and curing it.
Since gum disease commonly occurs in stages, there are more advanced stages that may result in someone being unable to restore their teeth back to the former, healthy condition. The treatment for periodontal disease prescribed depends on the stage of the problem.
A Swollen Jaw
If a person’s jaw is swollen, it is a serious sign of infection. One common culprit for this is an infection in the salivary glands. If someone is dealing with a swollen jaw, along with a bad taste in their mouth, issues swallowing or breathing, and a fever, it is a good idea to seek emergency dental care right away.
If a salivary gland infection occurs, it is usually caused by bacteria. This is the result of some type of blockage in the salivary glands. With the blockage present, it can keep the saliva from doing its proper job, which is to break down the food that is eaten and wash bacteria out of the mouth. Even though this is an uncommon infection, it is a good idea to contact an emergency dentist to find out if that is the problem, as treatment is needed since the symptoms can be serious.
A Dental Abscess
If a dental abscess occurs, a person does not have time to wait around and see if it will clear up. Abscessed teeth are caused by an extremely painful infection. Usually, an abscess is located at the root of a certain tooth. In most cases, this will be caused by cavities that are untreated or cases of severe gum disease. It may also be the result of trauma that has occurred to a tooth, such as a chip or crack.
Some of the most common symptoms of an abscessed tooth include bad taste in the mouth, fever, swollen glands, and more. Usually, surgery is required to take care of the problem.
Do Not Wait to See an Emergency Dentist
When it comes to emergency dental care, there are several factors to consider. Keep the information here in mind to help ensure the proper treatment is provided and that the issue is handled properly. By seeking care in a timely manner, it is possible to avoid additional serious issues or painful problems that may arise.