
4 Myths About Rehab Centers That Need to Be Cleared Out Today!

Rehab Centers

Deciding when and how you wish to start your addiction treatment can be hard, especially when you hear all kinds of myths and rumours about rehabilitation centers. Some people worry they may lose their jobs and livelihood if they take time off for recovery, while others buy into the false belief that rehabs centres provide temporary relief or switch one addiction for another.

With all this misinformation, you may have several questions and concerns about rehab centres before you choose to join one. We have compiled a list of pervasive myths about rehabilitation centres that could help you understand how rehab really works.

1. Going to Rehab Means I Will Lose My Job

Addiction can alter sleep patterns, mood, nutritional intake, etc. These changes can impact your work performance negatively and you may notice a decrease in productivity levels. If you leave these problems festering over time, they may evolve into serious health concerns and may result in strokes, psychosis, violent outbreaks, or even death in some cases. Your work life will be significantly altered if no treatment is sought, and you may even end up losing your job eventually.

Many believe that it is by entering a rehab program that they may lose their job permanently, but this is far from the truth. In the USA, companies cannot fire you for being enrolled in treatment for addiction or any substance use disorder. In fact, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically protects employees in companies or local government positions who are enrolled in rehab centres. On top of that, rehab centres like the Lantana outpatient center in Charleston offer outpatient services which allows you to continue your work/studies while receiving proper rehab treatment. 

Most companies in America also have Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) which are designed to facilitate employees who seek help against addiction and even recommend programs.

From helpful short-term counselling to referral programs and rehab centres, EAPs can help you through this. Alternatively, the Family and Medical Leave Act allows you to take up to twelve months off as a formal unpaid leave. This includes situations including substance abuse, addiction, etc.

2. Rehab Centers and Treatments are Only for the Rich

One of the biggest misconceptions about rehabilitation centres is that they are only for rich business owners and celebrities. This is false! What you see on television shows or reality TV is seldom the truth.

Many people believe that rehab centres belong exclusively to the rich, influential celebrities who can afford long-term treatments and state-of-the-art living conditions. The TV version of the rehab experience may feature celebrity gossip, comedy, dramatic arguments, etc., but rehab centers cater to people from all walks of life.

Treatment for substance abuse is available for the layman and depending on your needs, you can find just the right program for you. It is true that in-patient programs can be costly especially if you are signing up with a private rehab center and wish for their luxury services, but this is completely optional.

3. Rehab Centers are a Temporary Fix and Switch One Addiction for Another

A common myth about rehab centers is that they are a temporary solution to long-term addiction. This belief stems from the idea that addiction persists and there is no permanent solution to it, but this is also false.

Studies have shown that in the USA, approximately 43% of people who join rehab for substance abuse treatment complete their program successfully, whereas 16% are sent to other specialized rehab centers for additional help. This proves that rehab centers are far more effective in providing long-term solutions to drug abuse.

Many people also believe that addiction treatment at rehab centers simply switches one addiction for another, as in the case of opioid use disorder which can be treated with methadone medications. However, people worry that this may get them hooked on methadone instead. This is not true. Healthcare professionals and therapists at rehab centers monitor your medication intake and work to eventually eliminate the body’s dependency on it altogether. More importantly, the same myth does not exist for diabetes medication or other conditions.

4. Going to a Rehab Center will Cure All My Addictions and Promise a Happy Life

Rehab centers do not operate on the principles of miracles and magic. The treatment programs offer intensive therapy sessions and monitored medication to help you build a healthier lifestyle. All this takes time, effort, dedication, and self-evaluation.

The success of any treatment program depends on all the parties involved, but especially the person seeking help. Going to rehab is the first step and the journey from there can be incredibly tiring and taxing, but with a strong will and consistency, you can enjoy excellent results.

It is still important to keep in mind that rehab centers may not cure all your addictions and promise you a perfectly happy life. There is always a chance that treatment may fail for a variety of reasons. Addiction is chronic and there is always a chance of relapse, but that does not mean that you should opt-out of going to rehab. After all, the benefits outweigh the losses.

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