While most exchanges require verification, there are some platforms that require neither registration nor verification for anonymous crypto exchange . It simplifies the entire exchange process immensely and saves a lot of time. Thus, the number of users looking for such exchanges is growing exponentially.
That’s why we have prepared for you a list of the best cryptocurrency exchanges where you don’t need to provide any data except for a wallet address to receive the exchanged funds. Be prepared that without verification procedures, you will not be able to deal with fiat money. But if your intention is to exchange cryptocurrency only, the exchanges mentioned below are perfect for you.
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LetsExchange is an instant cryptocurrency exchange online where you can swap more than 200 coins without any KYC procedures. The only detail you need to provide is your wallet address to receive the funds that you have exchanged.
The entire exchange process is absolutely transparent. You need to move to an exchange widget and provide the information needed for the transaction. If you want, you can even download a receipt with all the information about the transaction. The exchange doesn’t set any upper limits for the number of coins to be exchanged.
PrimeXBT allows margin trading without KYC procedures. However, you need to create an account. To do so, it is enough to provide your email address and set up a password.
PrimeXBT supports transactions in cryptocurrency only. It means there are no options to exchange fiat money. But it also means top simplicity without any verifications. PrimeXBT doesn’t set upper limitations for the number of coins that can be exchanged.
BitSeven is one more platform where customers can exchange crypto without KYC. While the platform is overall user-friendly and offers comfortable conditions (the cryptocurrency list price can be checked directly on the website), it supports 4 coins only: Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, and Litecoin. One more detail that you shall know is that it supports Bitcoin only for deposit and withdrawal procedures.
SimpleFX is a platform for cryptocurrency exchange procedures, Forex trading, indices. If you make a deposit in Bitcoin, you don’t need to provide any data for registration or verification. The only thing you will need to provide is your email address to receive the needed instructions.
If you are going to deal with fiat money, you need to pass all the needed verification procedures.
Evonax is a pretty big exchange that supports a good number of coins and fiat transfers. The exchange collaborates with PayPal that makes the user experience even more versatile by providing an opportunity to perform crypto-to-PayPal exchange procedures.
If you swap crypto-coins only, you don’t need to provide any information for registration or verification purposes. All that is required from you is your wallet address. Evonax supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Dash, Bitcoin SV, DOGE, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, and Zcash.